
Eric Berne

Berne, Eric (1957). A layman’s guide to psychiatry and psychoanalysis. London: Grove Press.

Berne, Eric (1961). Transactional analysis in psychotherapy. A systematic individual and social psychiatry. Great Britain: Cox & Wyman.

Berne, Eric (1963). The structure and dynamics of organisations and groups. New York: Ballantine.

Berne, Eric (1964) Games people Play. The psychology of human relationships. London: Penguin.
Suomennos: Berne, Eric (1981). Kanssakäymisen kuviot. Jyväskylä: Gummerus.

Berne, Eric (1966). Principles of group treatment. New York: Oxford University Press.

Berne, Eric (1970). Sex in human loving. New York: Simon and Schuster.

Berne, Eric (1972). What do you say after you say hello? New York: Grove Press.

Muuta TA-kirjallisuutta

Barnes, G. (ed.) (1977). Transactional analysis after Eric Berne. Teachings and practices of three TA schools. New York: Harper College Press.

Clarkson, Petruska (1993). Transactional analysis psychotherapy: An integrative approach. London: Routledge.

Goulding, Mary – Goulding, Robert (1997). Changing lives through redecision therapy. New York: Grove Press.

Hargaden, Helena – Sills, Charlotte (2002). Transactional analysis. A relational perspective. East Sussex: Brunner-Routledge Press.

James, Muriel (2002). It’s never too late to be happy: Reparenting yourself for happiness. Quill Driver Books.

James, M. and Jongeward, D. (1971) Born to win: transactional analysis with gestalt experiments. Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1971
Suomennos: James, M. ja Jongeward, D. (1980) Syntynyt elämään. Keuruu: Otava.

Laes, T – Lerkkanen, M-K. – Varis, E. (toim.) (1998). TA opettajan apuna. Educational TA for Teacher. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylä Studies in Education, Psychology and Social Research.

Massey, R. F. – Hewitt, G. – Moiso, C. (2002). Transactional analysis. Teoksessa Kaslow, F. W. – Massey, R. F. (ed.) Comprehensive Handbook of Psychotherapy, Volume 3, Interpersonal/Humanistic/Existential. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 555–586.

Mikkonen, J. (2006). Transaktioanalyysi persoonallisuus- ja vuorovaikutusteoriana. Psykologia 41(5): 328-344. (pdf)

Ohlsson, T. (2001). TA i missbruksarbete – Transaktionsanlytisk psykoterapi som behandlingsmetod för drogmissbrukare i miljöterapeutisk vård. Lunds universitet: Institutionen för psykologi. [Abstract]

Steiner, Claude (1974). Scripts people live. New York: Grove Press.

Steiner, Claude (2000). Emotional literacy; Intelligence with heart.

Steiner, Claude (2003). Healing alcoholism.

Stewart, Ian (1992). Eric Berne. London: Sage Publications.

Stewart, Ian (1996). Developing transactional analysis counselling. London: Sage.

Stewart, Ian (2002). Transactional analysis counselling in action. Second edition. London: Sage Publications.

Stewart, Ian. – Joines, Vann (1987). TA Today: a new introduction to Transactional Analysis. Nottingham: Lifespace. [Hyvä perusteos]

Stewart, Ian – Joines, Vann (2002) Personality adaptations. Russell Press Ltd., Nottingham

Transactional Analysis Journal 1970-

Tudor, Keith (ed.) (2002). Transactional analysis approaches to brief therapy. London: Sage